The NTP project and printer 5808

NTP: Nordic Terminal Project

The Nordic Saving Banks (Spadab) purchase of a common bank terminal system at the end of the 1960s meant a tough challenge to those suppliers who intended to offer. It was the world’s first and biggest contract for distributed data processing.

Datasaab was developing minicomputers but had no suitable work station modules. The answer to this problem was that Datasaab joined Facit. Together they won the SPADAB contract and delivered the systems to the Nordic Saving Banks. The SPADAB deal was the first of several bank contracts. Later the Finnish bank SCAB operated the world’s first and at that time the biggest online system with D5.

To organize maintenance of thousands of bank terminals was a real challenge for Datasaab and in the end it became both a technical and a commercial success. Later Datasaab developed a passbook printer of it’s own which together with it’s successor PR366 (see pictures at E2100) became a real long runner. An early version of the Saving Bank terminal can be seen at Linköping’s Technical Museum.

The terminal system installed at customer.

Minicomputer D5/20.
Data format: 8 och 16 bits
Clock frequency: 0,75 MHz

Primary storage: 4 - 32 Kbyte
Weight: 25 kg

D5/20 Data sheet (pdf-fil)

Printer 5808.

Printer 5808 Data sheet (pdf-fil).

Printer 5808
without cover.

Cassette Tape Unit 5623
Data storage standard : ECMA-34
Transfer speed: 378 bytes/sek.
Density: 800 bpi

Weight: 9 kg