SARA (Saabs RäkneAutomat – the Automatic Counter of SAAB) was the first binary electronic computer developed by SAAB. It was constructed in 1957, and was the SAAB version of the first Swedish computer BESK.

BESK (Binär Elektronisk Sekvens Kalkylator – Binary Electronic Sequential Calculator) was constructed in 1954 supervised by Matematikmaskinnämnden in Sweden.

The computer SARA was located at the basement of the H-house at SAAB in Linkoping. Hundreds of electronic valves were twinkling behind the glass-walls where the cooling air was passing through. That was an impressing view.


SARA including the “SARA-band” (tape stations) and Control Board.



“SARA-band” and Creed paper tape reader in the foreground.



The SARA Control Board.



The SARA drum memory. A similar arrangement could be found at the back of the rack.



Computer service?




Punching. "Maggan" och Barbro Helmer.




Arne Hessel at the SARA Control Board.



Barbro Helmer.
